Last updated: 18-02-2025. From web page: Council Data.

Social Housing Asset Data

Social Housing Asset Data - 2023/24

Postcode: SO14

Valuation band range: <£50,000 - £99,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
<£50,000 73 3,300,000 45,000 1,122,000 15,000 72 1 98.6% 1.4%
£60,000 - £69,999 537 34,222,000 64,000 11,632,000 22,000 513 24 95.5% 4.5%
£80,000 - £89,999 90 7,592,000 84,000 2,580,000 29,000 89 1 98.9% 1.1%
£90,000 - £99,999 128 12,195,000 95,000 4,145,000 32,000 125 3 97.7% 2.3%

Valuation band range: £100,000 - £299,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£100,000 - £119,999 536 56,920,000 106,000 19,347,000 36,000 517 19 96.5% 3.5%
£120,000 - £139,999 86 11,342,000 132,000 3,855,000 45,000 84 2 97.7% 2.3%
£140,000 - £159,999 43 6,512,000 151,000 2,213,000 51,000 42 1 97.7% 2.3%
£160,000 - £179,999 22 3,683,000 167,000 1,252,000 57,000 21 1 95.5% 4.5%
£180,000 - £239,999 29 5,552,000 191,000 1,887,000 65,000 29 0 100.0% 0.0%
£240,000 - £349,999 10 2,512,000 251,000 853,000 85,000 10 0 100.0% 0.0%

Postcode: SO15

Valuation band range: <£50,000 - £99,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£60,000 - £69,999 167 10,728,000 64,000 3,646,000 22,000 158 9 94.6% 5.4%
£80,000 - £89,999 509 43,929,000 86,000 14,931,000 29,000 492 17 96.7% 3.3%

Valuation band range: £100,000 - £299,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£100,000 - £119,999 105 11,422,000 109,000 3,882,000 37,000 102 3 97.1% 2.9%
£120,000 - £139,999 33 4,305,000 130,000 1,463,000 44,000 33 0 100.0% 0.0%
£160,000 - £179,999 72 12,100,000 168,000 4,113,000 57,000 71 1 98.6% 1.4%
£180,000 - £199,999 87 16,395,000 188,000 5,573,000 64,000 87 0 100.0% 0.0%
£200,000 - £219,999 25 5,211,000 208,000 1,771,000 71,000 25 0 100.0% 0.0%
£220,000 - £279,999 14 3,340,000 239,000 1,135,000 81,000 14 0 100.0% 0.0%

Postcode: SO16

Valuation band range: <£50,000 - £99,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£60,000 - £69,999 534 34,360,000 64,000 11,679,000 22,000 516 18 96.6% 3.4%
£80,000 - £89,999 1,354 116,830,000 86,000 39,711,000 29,000 1,305 49 96.4% 3.6%
£90,000 - £99,999 18 1,715,000 95,000 583,000 32,000 18 0 100.0% 0.0%

Valuation band range: £100,000 - £299,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£100,000 - £119,999 1,732 188,431,000 109,000 64,048,000 37,000 1,698 34 98.0% 2.0%
£120,000 - £139,999 239 33,892,000 142,000 11,497,000 48,000 233 6 97.5% 2.5%
£140,000 - £159,999 991 151,199,000 153,000 51,392,000 52,000 973 18 98.2% 1.8%
£160,000 - £179,999 738 129,274,000 175,000 43,898,000 59,000 719 19 97.4% 2.6%
£180,000 - £199,999 459 86,928,000 189,000 29,547,000 64,000 451 8 98.3% 1.7%
£200,000 - £219,999 113 27,026,000 239,000 9,150,000 81,000 112 1 99.1% 0.9%
£220,000 - £259,999 61 14,093,000 231,000 4,788,000 78,000 59 2 96.7% 3.3%
£260,000 - £279,999 29 7,778,000 268,000 2,567,000 89,000 29 0 100.0% 0.0%

Valuation band range: £300,000 - £599,000

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£300,000 - £349,999 15 4,651,000 310,000 1,535,000 102,000 15 0 100.0% 0.0%

Postcode: SO17

Valuation band range: <£50,000 - £99,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£80,000 - £89,999 16 1,440,000 90,000 489,000 31,000 16 0 100.0% 0.0%

Valuation band range: £100,000 - £299,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£100,000 - £119,999 93 10,111,000 109,000 3,437,000 37,000 93 0 100.0% 0.0%
£120,000 - £139,999 67 8,850,000 132,000 3,008,000 45,000 63 4 94.0% 6.0%
£160,000 - £199,999 140 27,572,000 197,000 9,372,000 67,000 139 1 99.3% 0.7%
£200,000 - £259,999 48 10,330,000 215,000 3,511,000 73,000 48 0 100.0% 0.0%

Postcode: SO18

Valuation band range: <£50,000 - £99,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£70,000   - £79,999 120 8,913,000 74,000 3,030,000 25,000 107 13 89.2% 10.8%
£80,000 - £89,999 136 11,823,000 87,000 4,019,000 30,000 106 30 77.9% 22.1%

Valuation band range: £100,000 - £299,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£100,000   - £119,999 767 81,271,000 106,000 27,624,000 36,000 644 123 84.0% 16.0%
£120,000 - £139,999 106 13,649,000 129,000 4,639,000 44,000 102 4 96.2% 3.8%
£140,000 - £159,999 30 4,311,000 144,000 1,465,000 49,000 30 0 100.0% 0.0%
£160,000 - £179,999 31 5,473,000 177,000 1,860,000 60,000 31 0 100.0% 0.0%
£180,000 - £199,999 99 18,693,000 189,000 6,354,000 64,000 99 0 100.0% 0.0%
£200,000 - £219,999 124 25,943,000 209,000 8,818,000 71,000 120 4 96.8% 3.2%
£220,000 - £239,999 13 2,974,000 229,000 1,011,000 78,000 13 0 100.0% 0.0%

Postcode: SO19

Valuation band range: <£50,000 - £99,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
<£50,000 151 7,090,000 47,000 2,410,000 16,000 149 2 98.7% 1.3%
£50,000 - £59,999 238 12,656,000 53,000 4,302,000 18,000 232 6 97.5% 2.5%
£60,000 - £69,999 153 9,815,000 64,000 3,336,000 22,000 151 2 98.7% 1.3%
£70,000 - £79,999 675 48,310,000 72,000 16,421,000 24,000 642 33 95.1% 4.9%
£80,000 - £89,999 1,168 101,487,000 87,000 34,496,000 30,000 1,132 36 96.9% 3.1%
£90,000 - £99,999 107 10,567,000 99,000 3,592,000 34,000 103 4 96.3% 3.7%

Valuation band range: £100,000 - £299,999

Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
£100,000   - £119,999 1,069 115,515,000 108,000 39,264,000 37,000 1,036 33 96.9% 3.1%
£120,000 - £139,999 541 70,391,000 130,000 23,926,000 44,000 530 11 98.0% 2.0%
£140,000 - £159,999 110 15,793,000 144,000 5,368,000 49,000 108 2 98.2% 1.8%
£160,000 - £179,999 177 29,456,000 166,000 10,012,000 57,000 176 1 99.4% 0.6%
£180,000 - £199,999 389 74,420,000 191,000 25,295,000 65,000 385 4 99.0% 1.0%
£200,000 - £219,999 302 62,745,000 208,000 21,327,000 71,000 295 7 97.7% 2.3%
£220,000 - £239,999 23 5,272,000 229,000 1,792,000 78,000 21 2 91.3% 8.7%


Intervening band range (£) Number of units Combined Market Value (£) Average Market Value (£) Combined Social Value (£) Average Social Value (£) Occupied Vacant Occupied (%) Vacant (%)
- 15,742 1,842,307,000 10,381,000 625,973,000 3,524,000 15,183 559 - -

The Transparency Code guidance requires Councils to explain the difference between the tenanted sale value of dwellings within the Housing Revenue Account and their market sale value. The market value is an estimate of the value of the dwellings if they were sold on the open market. The tenanted sale value is known as the existing use value for social housing value (EUV-SH). This is calculated on the basis of rents receivable on existing tenancies. These are less than the rent that would be obtainable on the open market, and the EUV-SH value is therefore lower than the market value. The difference between the two values therefore shows the economic cost of providing housing at less than market value. Please be assured that the publication of this information is not intended to suggest that tenancies should end to realise the market value of properties.

Valuations bandings are based on the following guidelines. Intervening bands have been merged in some cases where a band would have fewer than 10 dwellings

Valuation band range Intervening band range
>£50,000 - £99,999 6 bands of £10,000
£100,000 - £299,999 10 bands of £20,000
£300,000 - £499,999 4 bands of £50,000