What to do if you suspect fraud or corruption

If you suspect fraud or corruption anywhere within the council, you should follow this guidance.

Action by employees

Write down your concerns immediately. Make a note of all relevant details, such as what was said in phone or other conversations, the date, the time and the names of anyone involved.
Report the matter immediately to your line manager or the Chief Internal Auditor. Give that officer any notes you have made or any evidence you have gathered. Don't tell anyone else about your suspicions.

Action by managers

Listen to the concerns of your staff and treat every report you receive seriously and sensitively. Do not ridicule suspicions raised by staff.

Make sure that all staff concerns are given a fair hearing. You should also reassure staff that they will not suffer because they have told you of their suspicions.

Get as much information as possible from the member of staff, including any notes and any evidence they have that may support the allegation. Do not interfere with any evidence and make sure it is kept in a safe place.

Assess whether the suspicions are justified before you take the matter further. Be objective when evaluating the issue. Consider the facts as they appear based on the information you have to hand. If in doubt, report your suspicions anyway.

Report the matter immediately to the Chief Internal Auditor. Do not convey your suspicions to anyone other than those with the proper authority.


Do not try to carry out an investigation yourself as this may damage any Internal Audit or criminal enquiry.

Help Internal Audit or authorised organisations in any investigations.

Read the Anti FraudĀ and Anti Corruption Policy and Strategy