Corporate Governance

What is Corporate Governance?

Corporate governance comprises the systems and values by which councils are directed and controlled and through which they are accountable to and engage with their communities.

To demonstrate compliance with the principles of good corporate governance, Southampton City Council must ensure that it does the right things, in the right way and for the right people.

Southampton City Council must also ensure this is done in a timely, inclusive, open, honest and accountable manner.

The Localism Act 2011

The Localism Act 2011 made fundamental changes to the standards regime, and to the system of regulation of standards of conduct for elected Members.

The council remains under a statutory duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct for its elected and co-opted members and, as a result of the Act, the previous standards regime has been radically changed. As a result, the Council has put in place new arrangements to deal with matters of ethics, probity and Members conduct.

All standards matters are handled under these standards and conduct arrangements, including a Code of Conduct and the involvement of a Designated Independent Person.

On these pages, you will find out information on the Council's ethical and governance framework, including codes of conduct for members and officers of the council, and information about the governance committee.

See also:

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Corporate Governance documents

Document Type Size
Annual Governance Statementpdf537.2 KB
Code Of Corporate Governancepdf500.4 KB
Guidance On Governance Committeepdf111.6 KB
Members Social Media Guidancepdf243.8 KB