Year 3/4 Reading and Writing
New date will be added once scheduled.
Delegates will have the opportunity to unpick the key messages from the reading framework and consider the impact this has on the planning and teaching of reading in year 3 and 4.
Delegates will develop an understanding of end of KS1 and end of KS2 expectations in writing and consider the key teaching points from the national curriculum. They will unpick the key gaps in learning for their pupils and consider how to plug these, including spelling.
Delegates will have the opportunity to hear from other Southampton schools about their approach to teaching reading and writing in year 3 and 4.
Fee for training
Southampton City Council Maintained Schools: £50
Academies, free schools and other organisations: £55
Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Please state any allergies or dietary requirements on the booking form.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself ten minutes to fill it in.
Payment card details (unless free course or using invoice)
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