Safeguarding Awareness Recognising and Responding to Abuse (Level 2) - Children and Young People
This course is essential for people who have regular contact, or periods of intense but irregular, contact with children and young people to ensure that those working with children and young people understand and know how to safeguard children and how to respond when they suspect abuse.
Length of course
One day.
Who should attend?
- Early years providers
- Childcare providers
- All types of schools
- Health professionals
- Professionals working with children or families
Please note Southampton City Council staff should access Safeguarding Level 2 training through Learning and Development.
You will be able to:
- Understand what we mean by safeguarding children and young people.
- Identify possible signs and symptoms of abuse and know what to do if neglect or abuse is suspected.
- Identify vulnerable groups.
- Understand the key legislation to safeguard and protect children and young people and your role within it.
- Reflect on learning from Serious Case Reviews and consider emerging key themes including Contextual Safeguarding.
- Understand the Southampton Children’s Advice and Duty Service, Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and how to referral.
- Understand PREVENT and how this links to safeguarding children and young people.
Session dates
Dates | Times | Venue | Fully booked? |
Wednesday 14 May 2025 | 9am-4pm | Civic | Spaces available |
Tuesday 8 July 2025 | 9am-4pm | Civic | Spaces available |
Beverages only included for face to face format training - please make your own arrangements for food.
Fee for training
Southampton City Council Maintained Schools: £40
Subsidised price for Southampton PVI Early Years & Childcare providers and voluntary organisations: £35
Academies, free schools and other organisations: £50
Positive feedback from past attendees
Manager – “Really detailed and a lot of info for further info.”
ELSA/Inclusion TA – “Very informative session. Good info on links to support services.”
Early Years Practitioner – “It was very helpful and well detailed. I was able to learn many different things which I was not aware of before.”
Please give 14 days written notice of cancellation to avoid being charged.
Southampton City Council reserves the right to charge the full training fee for non-attendance.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself ten minutes to fill it in.
A payment card, Apple Pay or Google Pay* (unless free course or using invoice)
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