You should always raise any concerns you may have with your childcare provider. Your childcare provider should have a Complaints Policy, but here are some useful tips on what you should do:
- Bring up any concerns you have in a formal chat with the childcare provider, listening to the provider's view point
- Make suggestions on how to solve the issue. Can you reach a compromise?
- Agree on a plan of action. If necessary, agree a time and date to review the plan
If things don’t improve, you can check your notice period in your contract and seek alternative childcare. Southampton's Family Information Service can help you find alternative childcare.
If you cannot resolve a concern or you feel unable to talk to the childcare provider then you can contact Ofsted's Early Years Complaints Helpline on 0300 123 4666. Ofsted can only help with complaints or concerns about the quality of care – not with complaints or disputes about fees or contracts.
Safeguarding concerns
If you are a parent/carer or member of the public and have specific concerns about a person who is working with or in a position of trust with children or young people and are in need of advice or support, please contact the Children's Resource Service on 02380 83 3004 (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm) or 02380 23 3344 (weekends, Bank Holidays and outside of office hours).