Nursery education funding
Private or voluntary pre-schools, nurseries and childminders claiming early years education funding from Southampton City council, for eligible two, three and four year old children, are funded at the minimum rate of £5.82 per hour.
Completing and submitting funding forms
- There are two headcounts per term
- To ensure payments are made on time, the headcount task must be submitted by the deadline
- Please do not wait until the deadline date to submit, to allow us time to assist with any issues
- We are unable to backdate claims from the previous financial year
Headcount funding forms
The headcount task will be sent out at the beginning of each term. If the headcount task you send us is incorrect, you will have the opportunity in the adjustment task to make any final changes.
Adjustment task
The adjustment task will be sent out at the end of each term for you to make any final changes.
Changes in numbers
If a child leaves during the term
If a child leaves during the term, you will need to update the adjustment headcount task with the dates the child left and update the hours and weeks the child attended.
If a child joins during the term
If a child joins during the term, you will need to update the adjustment headcount task with the dates the child started and update the hours and weeks the child attended.
If a child attends another setting or school
The parent needs to inform you of this via the Parental Declaration Form.
Children can receive funding at more than two settings, with an overall maximum of 30 funded hours per week (if they are eligible for extended hours), up to a maximum of 1140 hours per year.
If a child does not appear on the headcount task
Please add them as a new child.
Register for funding
To register for early years funding please contact the Family Information Service.
If you need any further information, you can find out more from the Southampton Family Information Service.
Nursery Education Funding
Early Years Funding Team
Start Point Sholing Early Years Centre
Wood Close
SO19 0SG