When another Local Authority places a child in the Southampton area, they are required to notify Southampton Children’s Services of the details of the child and placement. These children will be recorded on the SCC case management system.
Children at risk of going missing or exploitation
If the statutory Notification form identifies that the child has a history or is at risk of going missing or exploitation, the Notification is shared with the SCC Missing team. The Missing team will notify Hampshire Police MASH so they are aware that a child or young person who is at risk of being reported missing is living as a looked after child within the Southampton area and can make contact with the Placement and allocated Social Worker as required.
Children who have gone missing
For any incidents regarding a child placed within the Southampton area going missing, the carer should inform Hampshire Police. The Police notification should be communicated to Southampton Children’s Services and the placing Local Authority. The child’s placement also has a responsibility to inform the child’s allocated Social Worker. Southampton Children’s Services will record this missing notification on the child’s electronic record.
Return Interviews
An independent Return Interview should be offered to every young person following a missing episode and the responsibility for ensuring this happens is with the Local Authority responsible for the child.
The child’s Social Worker should send Southampton Children’s Services a copy of the completed Return Interview (in line with the DfE Statutory guidance on children who run away or go missing from home or care). The information contained will be used in our analysis of risks in the area. A copy of the Return Interview can be sent to us via secure email to missingyoungpeople@southampton.gov.uk.
Please also be aware that if you have any intelligence relating to missing children, exploitation or trafficking that this should be submitted to Hampshire Police.
If you require any further advice and would like to speak with someone locally in relation to missing, exploitation or trafficking issues, please get in touch with us at missingyoungpeople@southampton.gov.uk.