Business advice
Information for businesses
The following information is to help businesses comply with legislation and to trade fairly. We can provide guidance on setting up systems to achieve compliance, identifying best practice and maintaining due diligence. In the first instance we would encourage traders to visit the Business Companion website.
Advice for retail business
If you have a retail business, including food, you can find guidance and information on trading standards related issues at Business Companion
The Business Companion website contains information and links to all the responsibilities and legal obligations that a business needs to know when interacting with consumers. This website can provide tailored advice when key words are entered in to the search or if a business type is selected. Information covers, but is not limited to, areas such as:
- Information required on paperwork and websites
- The difference in selling on your premises or off, or online
- Sales restricted by age
- Food, pricing and safety
We charge for a number of activities and these fees and charges are available on request. If you have a specific enquiry or require information on charges please contact us:
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Business in Southampton
The GROW portal is designed to provide a single, unified portal to the information you need about Southampton City Council business services and support and our city.