Last updated: 14-02-2025. From web page: Noticeboard.

Taxi and Private Hire Trade Forum - 28 November 2024

Trade Consultation with Southampton City Council Licensing

Time and date

09:30 to 11:30 Thursday 28th November 2024 Conference Room 1, Civic Centre, Southampton.


Chair is Cllr Matthew Bunday.

Forum purpose and invitees

The purpose of this forum is defined as:

  • A two-way exchange of information, dialogue and discussion

  • To hear views, comments and concerns of the trade

  • To receive information, comments, and concerns of the Licensing Team, Members and the Council as a whole.

  • Not a decision making forum

  • Where matters of a particular concern and where appropriate, matters raised can be referred to the Licensing Committee where a formal decision can be made.

It should be borne in mind that consultation does not necessarily mean agreement with and that consultation meetings cannot be decision making meetings.

Cllr Bunday has also invited the following people to attend:

Ian Loynes - Spectrum Wade Holmes - SCC Transport


  1. Introductions/Apologies Chair

    Apologies from Cllr Windle, Cllr Whitbread and Cllr Cox.

    Perry McMillan informed those present that Ian Hall, SHPHA was boycotting these meetings at present.

  2. Church Street Taxi Rank* SHPHA

    Agenda item was in regard to abuse of the rank by private vehicles. Russell agreed to contact parking services and let them know.

    Action – Russell, Licensing.

  3. Station Downside Taxi Rank and Signage* SHPHA/SHO

    The trade wanted additional signage and a box junction at the exit of the rank. Also an update on what was happening with the rank. Wade Holmes from SCC transport stated that they can only use the recommended prescribed signage from DfT and there was not a warning sign about a taxi rank. There cannot be a box junction were there are the zig zags in the leadup to the crossing. There will be updates regarding the new rank and possible modifications, but this is not finalised yet. Will feed back via licensing when they are ready.

    Action – Wade, Transport.

  4. Oxford Street Rank* SHO

    No rank in Oxford Street. Nearest rank is Terminus Terrace. Suggestion from the trade that the loading bay in Terminus Terrace be adapted to be a night rank. Wade to take away and feedback.

    Action – Wade, Transport.

  5. Yellow boxes at the traffic lights outside dock gate 10* SHO

    Traffic heading east across West Quay Road blocks the exit of the docks when queued back. A Box junction at this point would greatly assist this. Also Can we look to change the lanes so the left lane exiting DG10 is a straight on or left turn, and the right hand lane is right turn only, like before the Millbrook Roundabout roadworks.

    Action – Wade, Transport.

  6. Private hire drivers are encountering difficulties with picking up and dropping off passengers in several areas within city centre.* GMB

    Numerous areas were discussed:

    • Coach station, suggestion that the rank and pickup/drop off point were switched but this was rejected by the trade as impractical.

    • Above Bar Street drop-off difficulties for PHV’s. Russell suggested using the end of Ogle Road.

    • Oxford Street was again discussed.

  7. Allow Taxi and Private Hire drivers access to Bargate Street.* GMB

    Wade stated that Bargate Street area is under review with a view to reducing vehicular traffic flow.

  8. Notes from Previous Meeting Chair

    Russell had been requested to re-start Transport and Trade Meetings. Wade agreed that they would attend a Taxi Forum meeting either yearly or twice yearly depending on demand.

    Action – Wade or an SCC Transport Representative to attend some future Taxi Forum Meetings

  9. Licensing Update

    • Fees (Also SHPHA)

      Russell gave a rundown of the fee changes. Only Operator and PHV fees changing.

    • Operators Meeting/Seminar

      Russell is hoping to run a seminar for Operators in the new year to talk about requirements, recent condition changes and answer any questions that they may have. The objective is to improve understanding and therefore compliance.

  10. Summary since last meeting Licensing

    No recent staff changes since the last meeting.

  11. Eastleigh Vehicles – Access to bus lanes EBC

    Phil explained that he has been approached by Eastleigh Councillors wishing to secure access to Southampton Bus Lanes for their vehicles. He asked the trade their feelings. The trade were not happy with this and pointed out that

    they had to change their vehicles to be hybrid or euro 6, fit camera systems and pay to licence in Southampton so should have the privilege of using SCC bus lanes exclusively.

    Action - Phil to feed back to EBC.

  12. Taxi Camera failures Update Licensing/GMB

    Licensing reported back to the trade that since the last meeting and a further meeting with camera suppliers and fitters, it has been discovered that the issue with reliability stems from the amount of overwriting that an SD card is capable of. It seems that after a certain amount of overwriting of data on memory media, they become unreliable. SSD cards are shorter than the other types of media used and so are showing these signs around three years after installation. The immediate solution is to require all vehicles fitted with cameras to obtain a camera certificate if there existing certificate is over two years old at the time of renewal.

    Fitters are now under instructions to fit new SD cards in SD card systems when issuing a camera certificate (except when they know that the SD card in the system is less than 6 months old). Cost of this will have to be borne by vehicle proprietors.

    There is no condition change required to implement this and implementation will start with renewals from 1st January 2025. Comments were invited from the trade on this to which there was a general understanding of the reasons for this implementation.

  13. Meter Fare Adjustments SHPHA

    SHPHA were not present to put across their reasons for this and the hackney trade reps present were asked if they wanted a fare increase. This was rejected by the reps present who were happy to stick with the current fare chart that was introduced last year.

  14. Trade Reps Notices on Suspended Drivers SHPHA

    SHPHA were not present to elaborate on this. It is assumed that they are referring to the emails sent out by enforcement staff to all operators notifying when vehicle and driver suspensions are implemented and lifted. As their chairman Ian Hall has an operator licence, it has to be assumed that maybe he mistakenly believes he receives this as he is a trade rep. However, he receives these because he holds an operator licence and could operate the drivers or vehicles as stated in the emails.

    Action – Russell to contact Mr Hall and clarify who the emails are sent to.

  15. Need to arrange a meeting with ABP SHO

    Licensing are in the process of arranging this for the new year.

  16. Dress Standards at the Docks SHPHA

    Best addressed at the meeting with ABP in the new year.

  17. What is the process regarding complaint against the drivers. SHO

    SHO wanted an overview of what the process is at licensing when dealing with a complaint about a driver.

    Licensing advised that each complaint is dealt with on its merits. Typically, enforcement staff would receive a complaint, put the allegation to the driver, then decide if the matter can be settled by no further action, advice, warning or driver education. If its more serious, at this point the evidence is put to the driver and they are notified that the matter may result in suspension or revocation and a representation is requested. (right of reply). This is added to the report and submitted to the Licensing manager. They will either make a decision in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing Committee or refer the matter to the Licensing Committee.

    If a licence is suspended or revoked, a full decision notice is issued with detailed reasons as to why this decision has been reached.

    The following with be answered after the meeting by written response

  18. Vehicle Age Limit Policies SHPHA

    This has been put onto the agenda frequently over the last year and I will now not be allowing it back onto the agenda again for at least another year. As I have said several times before, public safety must always remain our top priority and so any decision to increase vehicle age limits must be based on the data. This data currently does not support the increasing of age limits and a recent check of the marketplace has strongly suggested that cars are available at competitive rates that do meet our current criteria. To continue to discuss this would not make the best use of our limited time together, but I can assure the trade that this is kept under regular review.”

Trade Invitees

AE – Abdiwali ELMI - STA


AH – Ali HAYDOR - GMB Union Rep

LJ – Luke JUAN - Uber

PM – Perry MCMILLAN - UNITE Union Rep

MP – Mayuri PANDYA - Bolt

JR - Jamilur RAHMAN - Elected Private Hire Trade Rep AS – Ajmal SUDAN - SHO

AS – Anwar SUMRA - Elected Hackney Rep

SHO - Southampton Hackney Organisation

SHPHA - Southampton Hackney and Private Hire Association STA - Southampton Taxi Association