Report a change of circumstances or address

Planned maintenance

Please note that the Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction form will be unavailable for a few hours each month for the remainder of 2025, due to planned maintenance. The next maintenance period is on Sunday 20 April 2025, from 10am to 4pm.

The law states you need to tell us about any change to the information we have used to calculate your entitlement to Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction.

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Scheme claim: You have one calendar month to let us know about changes.

Council Tax Reduction Scheme only: You have 21 days to let us know about changes.

If you delay in telling us about a change:

  • We may pay you too much and you'll have to pay it back
  • We may reduce the amount of council tax you need to pay by too much and the amount you have to pay will increase
  • You may lose out on extra benefit or lower council tax
  • You could face criminal charges

You have a duty to notify us of changes promptly, if you leave it longer than a calendar month to notify us of a change, you may be committing a criminal offence. 

It is a criminal offence to give us false or misleading information.


Before you fill in this form

This form will be unavailable for much of the festive period while we carry out essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Report a change in circumstances

You can upload proofs at the end of the change of circumstances form (must be in the PDF format).