What if others live with me?
If other people live with you, it may affect the amount of benefit you can get. It is important you tell us immediately about any changes to your household. People who live with you could be: your partner, any dependant children, a non dependant, boarder or sub-tenant.
Who is a non-dependant?
- A grown up son or daughter, aged 18 or over
- Any other relative aged 18 or over
- A friend aged 18 or over
Who is not a non-dependant?
- Your partner, if you have one
- A child that you get child benefit for
- A person under 18
- A person in full time education
- A person on a youth training scheme
- A person who normally lives somewhere else
Non-dependant deductions
A deduction based on any resident non dependant's income will be made from the amount of Housing Benefit (HB) and/or Council Tax Reduction (CTR) you get.
Please note
HMRC have now allowed the Benefit Service to directly access earnings details for any non-dependant on your Housing Benefit claim. If you have a non-dependant on your Housing Benefit claim, please tell them we can check their details directly with HMRC.
The following weekly non-dependant deductions apply if you are:
Working age and getting CTR
Age and status of non-dependant |
Weekly non-dependant deduction |
Age 18 or over and in work |
£9.78 |
Age 18 or over not in work and no other income |
£9.78 |
Age 18 or over getting a passport benefit |
Age 18 or over getting Main Phase Employment Support Allowance |
Age 18 or over getting Universal Credit (UC) and no earned income |
18 or over getting UC with earned income, working less than 16 hours per week |
£9.78 |
Universal Credit with earned income, working more than 16 hours per week |
£9.78 |
Pension age getting Guaranteed or Savings Credit |
State pension age and getting HB or CTR, or working age and getting HB
Weekly gross income |
Weekly Housing Benefit deduction |
Less than £183 |
£19.65 |
£183 to £265.99 |
£45.15 |
£266 to £347.99 |
£62.00 |
£348 to £462.99 |
£101.35 |
£463 to £576.99 |
£115.45 |
£577 and above |
£126.65 |
Council Tax Reduction deductions if non-dependant is working
Weekly gross income |
Weekly Council Tax Reduction deductions |
Less than £266 |
£5 |
£266 to £463 |
£10.20 |
£463 to £577 |
£12.80 |
Over £577 |
£15.35 |
Deductions if non-dependant is not working
Age and work status |
Weekly Housing Benefit deductions |
Weekly Council Tax Reduction deductions |
Age 18 or over and not in remunerative work |
£19.65 |
£5 |
Deductions if non-dependant gets a Passport Benefit
Age |
Weekly Housing Benefit deductions |
Weekly Council Tax Reduction deductions |
Age 25 and over |
£19.65 |
Aged 18-25 |
Aged 18-25 and in receipt of Main Phase Employment Support Allowance |
£19.65 |
Deductions if non-dependant gets Universal Credit
Age and Universal Credit status |
Weekly Housing Benefit deductions |
Weekly Council Tax Reduction deductions |
Age under 25 and gets Universal Credit with no earned income |
Aged 25 or over and gets Universal Credit with no earned income |
Universal Credit with earned income, working less than 16 hours per week |
£19.65 |
£5 |
Universal Credit with earned income, working more than 16 hours per week |
Deduction based on gross income |
Deduction based on gross income |
Deductions if non-dependant gets Pension Credit
Status |
Weekly Housing Benefit deductions |
Weekly Council Tax Reduction deductions |
Gets Guaranteed Credit |
Gets Savings Credit |
A non-dependant deduction will not apply when
- The non-dependant is aged under 18
- You or your partner receive Disability Living Allowance Care Component or Personal Independence Payment Daily Living Component
- You or your partner receive Attendance Allowance
- You or your partner are blind or have recently regained your sight