Income and capital proof

We will need to see proof of all of you and your partner’s income:


  • Monthly paid - last two pay slips
  • Fortnightly paid - last three payslips
  • Weekly paid - last five payslips
  • If pay slips are unavailable a certificate of earnings that has been completed by your employer

Self employed

  • Accounts for the last 12 months, you may need to complete a Self-Employed questionnaire 
  • If your business has been running for less than a year, provide all proofs that are available
  • If you have just started your business you will need to provide a 13 week estimate of your income

Welfare Benefits

(Excluding Industrial Injuries Benefit, Child Benefit)

We can usually obtain details of any other benefits you receive directly from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). If we are unable to do this you will need to provide all pages of your award letter or a bank statement.

Other income

For example child support and charity payments received. A letter from the payee or bank statement:

Working age Council Tax Reduction claims with capital below £6,000

If you are working age and get Council Tax reduction, and have capital below £6,000, we do not need to see proof.

If your capital is more than £6,000, you will not be able to get CTR.

Working age Housing Benefit claims with capital between £6,000 and £16,000

The last two months of bank or building society statements, up-to-date paying-in books, share certificates, National Savings Certificates, and so on.

Pensionable age or over with capital between £10,000 and £16,000

The last two months of bank or building society statements, up-to-date paying-in books, share certificates, National Savings Certificates, and so on.