Mayors of Southampton from 1217

The first use of the term 'mayor' in Southampton was in a letter dating to around 1217. At that time the mayor could serve as long as he liked, providing he was in good health and behaved himself. In 1234 one mayor discharged himself from office on the grounds of age and infirmity. Now the mayor is elected annually and serves for just one year. Read more about The current mayor.

In very early medieval times the mayor was appointed by the king or queen of the day. Later, he was appointed by the outgoing mayor, however since 1835 the mayor has been elected by councillors. The mayor was often a local tradesman or businessman, for example, Richard Andrews the coachbuilder, who was Mayor of Southampton five times during the 19th century. The first woman mayor was Lucia Foster Welch, who was elected in 1927.

The mayor's duties were many and varied. He presided over the weekly council and over various town courts, supervised regulations controlling trade and industries, managed corporation properties, dispensed poor relief and charity and carried out orders from central government. During the Commonwealth period he could even perform marriages. After 1835 the mayor's role gradually became more ceremonial. The current duties of the mayor range from chairing council meetings to hosting events and engagements.

The list of mayors from 1217 to the present is based on the research done by Miss S.D. Thomson when City Archivist. There are some gaps in the record, particularly for the 13th century.

Date Mayor Number
1217 Unknown (First mention of mayor) 1
1218 Unknown 2
1219 Unknown 3
1220 Unknown 4
1221 Unknown 5
1222 Unknown 6
1223 Unknown 7
1224 Unknown 8
1225 Unknown 9
1226 Unknown 10
1227 Unknown 11
1228 Unknown 12
1229 Unknown 13
1230 Unknown 14
1231 Unknown 15
1232 Unknown 16
1233 Unknown 17
1234 Walter Fortin (resigned office) 18
1234 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 19
1235 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 20
1236 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 21
1237 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 22
1238 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 23
1239 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 24
1240 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 25
1241 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 26
1242 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 27
1243 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 28
1244 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 29
1245 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 30
1246 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 31
1247 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 32
1248 Benedict, son of Azo, Mayor 33
1249-1269 No mayors elected/appointed  -
1269 Unknown 34
1270 Simon de la Bolehuse 35
1271 Unknown 36
1272 Unknown 37
1273 Unknown 38
1274 Unknown 39
1275 Unknown 40
1276 Unknown 41
1277 Unknown 42
1278 Unknown 43
1279 Unknown 44
1280 Unknown 45
1281 Unknown 46
1282 Unknown 47
1283 Unknown 48
1284 Robert le Mercier 49
1285 Unknown 50
1286 John de Bynedon 51
1287 Unknown 52
1288 Robert le Mercier 53
1289 Unknown 54
1290 Unknown 55
1291 Robert le Barbyr 56
1292 Unknown 57
1293 Unknown 58
1294 Thomas le Blunde 59
1295 Robert le Mercier 60
1296 Unknown 61
1297 Unknown 62
1298 Robert le Barbyr 63
1299 Unknown 64
1300 John de Schyerlye 65
1301 Unknown 66
1302 Unknown 67
1303 Adam le Horder 68
1304 Unknown 69
1305 Unknown 70
1306 Unknown 71
1307 John de Schyrleghe (Mayor/Alderman) 72
1308 Henry de Lym 73
1309 Thomas Stout 74
1310 Henry de Lym 75
1311 John de Scherley 76
1312 Henry de Lym 77
1313 Thomas de Bynedone (Mayor) 78
1314 Hugh Sampson 79
1315 John le Flemyng (Mayor) 80
1316 Thomas de Bynedon 81
1317 Richard de Barefluet 82
1318 Hugo Sampson 83
1319 Thomas de Byndone 84
1320 Henry de Lym 85
1321 Richard Forst 86
1322 Roger le Normaund (Mayor) 87
1323 Hugo Sampson (Alderman) 88
1324 Thomas de Bynedon (Alderman) 89
1325 Unknown 90
1326 Walter de Brakkelye (Alderman) 91
1327 John de Ronde (Alderman) 92
1328 Roger Norman (Alderman) 93
1329 Henry de Lym (Alderman) 94
1330 Roger Norman (Alderman) 95
1331 Thomas de Bynedon (Alderman) 96
1332 Nicholas de Mondenard (Mayor) 97
1333 Hugo Sampson (Mayor) 98
1334 Lawrence de Mees (Mayor) 99
1335 Unknown 100
1336 Thomas de Bynedon (Alderman) 101
1337 Nicholas Sampson (Mayor) 102
1338 Nicholas Sampson (Mayor) 103
1339 John Forst 104
1340 Thomas del Marche 105
1341 John Forst 106
1342 Richard Imberd 107
1343 Nicholas Lony 108
1344 Henry le Flemynge 109
1345 Richard Comyn 110
1346 John Fyfmark 111
1347 Richard Elmele/Elmelgh 112
1348 John Forst 113
1349 Unknown 114
1350 Thomas or John le Clerk 115
1351 John le Clerk 116
1352 John Frost 117
1353 Unknown 118
1354 John le Clerk 119
1355 John Wytegod 120
1356 John le Clerk 121
1357 Adam Inweys 122
1358 Adam Inweys 123
1359 Adam Inweys 124
1360 John Witegod 125
1361 John Wytegode 126
1362 John le Clerk 127
1363 John le Clerk 128
1364 John le Clerk 129
1365 John Polymond 130
1366 William Bacon 131
1367 John Wytegode 132
1368 Edward Dieugard 133
1369 John Polymond 134
1370 Ralph Taillour 135
1371 Radulph Tailleur 136
1372 Robert or William Bechesfounte 137
1373 William Bacon  junior
1374 Nicholas Langstocke 139
1375 William Bacon 140
1376 Unknown 141
1377 William Malmeshull 142
1378 William Malmeshull 143
1379 Nicholas Langstocke 144
1380 John Polymond 145
1381 John Polymond 146
1382 John Polymond 147
1383 William Walderne 148
1384 John Polymond 149
1385 Philip Cake 150
1386 William Bacon, senior 151
1387 William Maple or Mapel 152
1388 William Mapel 153
1389 John Polymond 154
1390 William Maple 155
1391 John Polymond 156
1392 John Polymond 157
1393 Walter Lange 158
1394 Nicholas Langestocke 159
1395 John Flete 160
1396 William Mapile 161
1397 John Flete 162
1398 William Overey 163
1399 William Ravenston 164
1400 John Botiller 165
1401 Thomas Myddelynton 166
1402 Thomas Midlyngton 167
1403 Thomas Midlyngton 168
1404 Henry Holwey 169
1405 Richard Bradeway 170
1406 William Overey 171
1407 Walter Lange 172
1408 Thomas Midlyngtone 173
1409 John Beneyt 174
1410 Henry Holewey 175
1411 William Nicoll 176
1412 Henry Holewey 177
1413 John Beneyt 178
1414 John Mascall 179
1415 John Renawd 180
1416 William Soper 181
1417 William Nicoll 182
1418 John Benet 183
1419 Walter Fettiplace 184
1420 John Mascall 185
1421 John Mascall 186
1422 William Nicoll 187
1423 Thomas Belle 188
1424 William Soper 189
1425 Thomas Frelond 190
1426 Walter Fetplace 191
1427 William Nicholl 192
1428 Peter Jamys 193
1429 John Selder or William Overey 194
1430 Thomas Bell alias Rygold 195
1431 John Estwell 196
1432 Walter Fetplace / Fetyplace 197
1433 John Emery 198
1434 Peter Jamys 199
1435 Peter James 200
1436 Robert Aylward 201
1437 William Marche 202
1438 William Nycoll 203
1439 Walter Fetplace 204
1440 John Emory 205
1441 Robert Aylward 206
1442 Peter James 207
1443 Nicholas Holmage 208
1444 Walter Fetplace 209
1445 John Flemang 210
1446 John Flemmynge 211
1447 Peter James 212
1448 John Wylliams 213
1449 Robert Aylward 214
1450 John Payne 215
1451 John Payne 216
1452 Andrew Jamys 217
1453 Robert Aylward 218
1454 Nicholas Holmehegg 219
1455 John Wylliams 220
1456 John Wylliams 221
1457 Walter Clerk 222
1458 Walter Clerk 223
1459 Richard Gryme 224
1460 Robert Bagworth 225
1461 John Dunne 226
1462 John Payne (Deposed 1463) 227
1463 Walter Fettiplace 228
1464 Walter Fettiplace 229
1465 Gilbert Cornemonger 230
1466 John Walker 231
1467 John Walker 232
1468 Robert Bagworth 233
1469 John William 234
1470 John William 235
1471 Robert Bluet 236
1472 Thomas Payne 237
1473 John Walker 238
1474 William Ovray 239
1475 Robert Bagworth 240
1476 Thomas Raynold 241
1477 William Gunter 242
1478 John Ludlowe 243
1479 John Shropshire 244
1480 Thomas Avan 245
1481 Lewis Eynes 246
1482 Walter Wylliam 247
1483 Walter Wylliam (fled town in 1483) 248
1483 John Walker 249
1484 Vincent Tehy 250
1485 William Gunter 251
1486 Christopher Ambrose 252
1487 Lewis Aynos 253
1488 Thomas Overey 254
1489 Thomas Overey 255
1490 Thomas Overey 256
1491 Thomas Dymock 257
1492 Thomas Dymock 258
1493 William Gunter 259
1494 Masse Salmon 260
1494 John Walsh 261
1495 John Walsh 262
1496 John Godfrey 263
1497 Christopher Ambrose 264
1498 Vincent Tehy 265
1499 Peter Spryng 266
1500 Robert Busshoppe 267
1501 William Justice 268
1502 Thomas Dymmok 269
1503 John Flemyng 270
1504 John Fleming 271
1505 John Godfrey 272
1506 John Baudewyne 273
1507 Robert Bisshoppe 274
1508 Robert Bisshoppe 275
1509 Nicholas Cowert 276
1510 Nicholas Cowert 277
1511 Richard Hylle 278
1512 Peter Stoneherd 279
1513 John Bawedwyne (Died 1514) 280
1514 John Favour 281
1514 William Chalke 282
1515 William Chalke 283
1516 John Parchard 284
1517 Thomas Lyster 285
1518 Nicholas Dey 286
1519 Richard Hyll 287
1520 Richard Hyll 288
1521 Gilbert Mountegue 289
1522 Walter Baker 290
1523 Sampson Thomas 291
1524 John Perchard 292
1525 Henry Huttoft 293
1526 Thomas Hussey 294
1527 Thomas Lyster 295
1528 Nicholas Dey 296
1529 Henry Waterman 297
1530 Walter Baker 298
1531 Walter Baker 299
1532 Richard Capleyn 300
1533 John Perchard 301
1534 Henry Huttoft 302
1535 Sampson Thomas 303
1536 Thomas Lyster 304
1537 Thomas Husse 305
1538 Nicholas Dey 306
1539 Peter Westbroke 307
1540 Peter Westbroke (Died) 308
1540 Nicholas Burwell 309
1541 Walter Baker 310
1542 Thomas Rygges 311
1543 Richard Capleyne 312
1544 Thomas Lyster 313
1545 Thomas Fasshon 314
1546 James Stonerd 315
1547 Thomas Beckingham 316
1548 Edmund Bisshopp 317
1549 Thomas Ridgis 318
1550 Thomas Godarde 319
1551 Richard Butler 320
1552 John Caplyne 321
1553 John Capelyn 322
1554 John Stavely 323
1555 John Flecher 324
1556 Richard Hawkins 325
1557 George Vincent 326
1558 John Gregory 327
1559 Edward Willmott 328
1560 Nicholas Capelyn 329
1561 William Stavely 330
1562 Henry Russell 331
1563 Richard Butler 332
1564 Richard Butler 333
1565 John Brodocke 334
1566 Robert Eyer 335
1567 John Marche 336
1568 John Croke 337
1569 Richard Godderd 338
1570 Reginald Housse 339
1571 John Knight 340
1572 William Jefferys (Died 1571) 341
1573 William Capelin 342
1573 Thomas Shuxboro 343
1574 Thomas Dingeley 344
1575 Robert Knaplock 345
1576 John Aylls 346
1577 Nicholas Caplin 347
1578 John Jackson 348
1579 Bernard Cortmill 349
1580 William Staveley 350
1581 Richard Biston 351
1582 William Barwicke 352
1583 Richard Goddard 353
1584 John Crooke 354
1585 John Erington 355
1586 Andrew Studley 356
1587 Andrew Studley 357
1588 John Bullackre 358
1589 Peter Stoner (died 1590) 359
1590 John Knight 360
1590 John Jackson 361
1591 Thomas Holmes 262
1592 Alexander Payneton 363
1593 John Hopton 364
1594 John Exton 365
1595 Paul Ellyott 366
1596 William Wallop 367
1597 Richard Beiston 368
1598 John Jeffrye 369
1599 Thomas Lambert 370
1600 John Mayjor 371
1601 Richard Cornellius 372
1602 Edmund Aspden 373
1603 Thomas Sherwood 374
1604 William Nevey 375
1605 Robert Chambers 376
1606 John Cornishe 377
1607 Edward Barlow 378
1608 John Longe 379
1609 Philip Toldervey 380
1610 William Wallop 381
1611 Thomas Bedford 382
1612 William Nevey 383
1613 Edward Richardes 384
1614 Arthur Baker 385
1615 John Mayjor 386
1616 John Longe 387
1617 William Merryeth 388
1618 Lawrence Prowse 389
1619 Edward Richardes 390
1620 Richard Dalbie 391
1621 George Gollop 392
1622 Peter Priaulx 393
1623 Edward Exton 394
1624 John Elzey 395
1625 Nicholas Pescod 396
1626 Francis Knowles 397
1627 Thomas Combe 398
1628 John Clungeon 399
1629 Nathaniel Mill 400
1630 Peter Seale 401
1631 Thomas Mason 402
1632 George Gallop 403
1633 Peter Clungeon 404
1634 John Guillam 405
1635 Peter Pryaulx 406
1636 Edward Exton 407
1637 Arthur Bromfeild 408
1638 Robert Wroth 409
1639 Henry Bracebridge 410
1640 Nicholas Pescod 411
1641 Humphrey Ryman 412
1642 Peter Seale 413
1643 Thomas Mason 414
1644 Henry Pitt 415
1645 William Stanley 416
1646 Peter Clungeon 417
1647 Peter Legay 418
1648 James Capelin 419
1649 Christopher Walleston 420
1650 Robert Wroth 421
1651 Joseph Belamott 422
1652 Thomas Cornelius 423
1653 William Horne 424
1654 William Higgens (deposed 1655) 425
1655 William Horne 426
1655 Henry Pitt 427
1656 James Clungeon 428
1657 Peter Seale 429
1658 Nicholas Clement 430
1659 James Capelin 431
1660 Edward Downer 432
1661 William Stanley 433
1662 Roberrt Richbell 434
1663 John Steptoe 435
1664 Thomas Cornelius 436
1665 Arthur Bracebridge 437
1666 James Clungeon 438
1667 William Horne 439
1668 Kingston Fryar 440
1669 John Winder 441
1670 Robert Richbell 442
1671 Richard White 443
1672 William Stanley junior 444
1673 Jacob Ward 445
1674 Thomas Farr 446
1675 William Walliston 447
1676 James Crosse 448
1677 Alexander Hill 449
1678 John Rowte 450
1679 Edward Downer 451
1680 Christopher Smith 452
1681 John Speed  M.D.
1682 Elias Degruchey 454
1683 James Mellish 455
1684 Thomas Cornelius 456
1685 William Bulkeley 457
1686 Alexander Alchorne 458
1687 Richard White 459
1688 William Lyne 460
1689 John Smith 461
1690 John Thornburgh 462
1691 James Crosse 463
1692 Edward Elwes (died 1693) 464
1693 Christopher Smith 465
1693 Robert Vernon 466
1694 John Speed M.D. 467
1695 Cornelius Macham 468
1696 William Cropp M.D. 469
1697 Elias Degruchey 470
1698 Peter Bulkeley 471
1699 Jonathan Ingles 472
1700 James Mellish 473
1701 Thomas Cornelius 474
1702 Thomas Bracebridge 475
1703 Thomas Rice 476
1704 John Thornburgh 477
1705 Aaron de Veuille 478
1706 Richard White 479
1707 Arthur Atherley 480
1708 Charles Smith 481
1709 William Godfrey 482
1710 Andrew Webb 483
1711 Thomas Cornelius 484
1712 Francis Gardiner 485
1713 John Thornburgh 486
1714 John Grove 487
1715 Richard White 488
1716 Edmund Moody 489
1717 Arthur Atherley 490
1718 Charles Smith 491
1719 Thomas Ingles 492
1720 William Godfrey 493
1721 William Cornelius 494
1722 Thomas Cornelius (died 1723) 495
1723 Roger Andrew 496
1723 Francis Gardiner 497
1724 John Ayres 498
1725 Francis Cabot 499
1726 John Grove 500
1727 Leonard Cropp 501
1728 Thomas Ingles 502
1729 William Reade 503
1730 Roger Andrews 504
1731 George Shergold 505
1732 Richard Raymond 506
1733 Arthuir Bracebridge 507
1734 Richard Taunton 508
1735 William White 509
1736 Richard Atherley 510
1737 Leonard Cropp 511
1738 William Freeman 512
1739 Robert Sadleir 513
1740 Richard Purbeck 514
1741 Robert Ballard 515
1742 Richard Raymond 516
1743 Richard Taunton 517
1744 Arthur Atherley 518
1745 William White 519
1746 William Knight 520
1747 Richard Atherley 521
1748 Robert Sadleir 522
1749 Richard Purbeck 523
1750 Robert Ballard 524
1751 Leonard Cropp 525
1752 William Purbeck 526
1753 Edmund Moody 527
1754 Arthur Atherley 528
1755 George West Captain 529
1756 William Knight 530
1757 Richard Serle 531
1758 Edmund Ludlow 532
1759 William Freeman 533
1760 Richard Vernon Sadleir 534
1761 Leonard Cropp 535
1762 George Robinson 536
1763 William Purbeck 537
1764 Edmund Moody 538
1765 Henry Hartley 539
1766 Richard Serle 540
1767 Thomas Guillaume 541
1768 Edmund Ludlow 542
1769 John Bridger 543
1770 Edward Noble 544
1771 Richard Vernon Sadleir 545
1772 Samuel Miller junior 546
1773 George Robinson 547
1774 John Monkton M.D. 548
1775 Henry Hartley 549
1776 Robert Ballard junior 550
1777 Samuel Figgal Reade 551
1778 Clement Hilgrove 552
1779 Thomas Guillaume 553
1780 Thomas Mears 554
1781 Edward Noble 555
1782 Richard Vernon Moody 556
1783 Arthur Atherley 557
1784 John Monkton 558
1785 John Mullins 559
1786 Robert Ballard 560
1787 Samuel Figgal Reade 561
1788 Thomas Mears 562
1789 Clement Hilgrove 563
1790 Thomas Durell 564
1791 Sir Yelverton Peyton, bart. 565
1792 William Smith 566
1793 John Mullins 567
1794 John Butler Harrison 568
1795 James D'Auvergne, General 569
1796 Alexander Scott, Admiral 570
1797 Arthur Atherley 571
1798 Thomas Durell 572
1799 Sir Yelverton Peyton, bart. 573
1800 Nathaniel Heywood, Colonel 574
1801 Frederick Breton 575
1802 Alexander Scott, Admiral 576
1803 Frederick Breton 577
1804 Thomas Durell 578
1805 William Smith 579
1806 Samuel Silver Taylor 580
1807 John Rowcliffe 581
1808 Sir Yelverton Peyton, bart. 582
1809 William Lintott 583
1810 Samuel Silver Taylor 584
1811 John Butler Harrison 585
1812 William Edward Jolliffe 586
1813 John Rowcliffe 587
1814 Richard Eldridge 588
1815 William Lintott 589
1816 George Atherley 590
1817 William Edward Jolliffe 591
1818 Walter Raleigh Smith 592
1819 Richard Eldridge 593
1820 Stephen Lintott 594
1821 George Atherley 595
1822 John Rushworth Keele 596
1823 Richard Eldridge 597
1824 Stephen Linton 598
1825 Samuel Le Feuvre 599
1826 John Jolliffe 600
1827 Joseph Lomer 601
1828 James Bovill 602
1829 Philip Carteret Fall 603
1830 John Rushworth Keele 604
1831 William Oke 605
1832 John Jolliffe 606
1833 Stephen Judd 607
1834 William James Le Feuvre 608
1835 William James Le Feuvre 609
1836 Peter Breton 610
1836 Charles Du Cane 611
1837 Joseph Lobb 612
1838 Joseph Bernard 613
1839 Peter Breton 614
1840 Joseph Lobb 615
1841 Peter Dickson 616
1842 Edward Mayes 617
1843 George Henderson 618
1844 Thomas Griffith 619
1845 Joseph Lobb 620
1846 William James Le Feuvre 621
1847 Daniel Brooks 622
1848 George Laishley 623
1849 Richard Andrews 624
1850 Richard Andrews 625
1851 Richard Andrews 626
1852 Joseph Lankester 627
1853 John Traffells Tucker 628
1854 Sampson Payne 629
1855 Sampson Payne 630
1856 Sampson Payne (Died 1856) 631
1856 Richard Andrews 632
1856 John White 633
1857 John White 634
1858 Edward Palk 635
1859 Frederick Perkins 636
1860 Richard Coles 637
1861 Frederick Perkins 638
1862 Frederick Perkins 639
1863 George Simon Brinton 640
1864 Thomas Bowman 641
1865 Samuel Michael Emanuel 642
1866 Samuel Michael Emanuel 643
1867 Joseph Rankin Stebbing 644
1868 Frederick Perkins 645
1869 Frederick Perkins 646
1870 Thomas Pibble Payne 647
1871 Henry Joseph Buchan 648
1872 William Hickman 649
1873 Edwin Jones 650
1874 George Mason Passenger 651
1875 Edwin Jones 652
1876 Henry Abraham 653
1877 Alfred Leighton M'Calmont 654
1878 John Blount Thomas 655
1879 William Henry Rogers 656
1880 John Henry Cooksey 657
1881 William Henry Davis 658
1882 William Henry Davis 659
1883 Rolles Driver 660
1884 James Bishop 661
1885 Harry Coles 662
1886 Harry Coles 663
1887 Harry Coles 664
1888 Harry Coles 665
1889 James Bishop 666
1890 Edward Bance D.L. 667
1891 James Lemon 668
1892 James Lemon 669
1893 William Bone 670
1894 Levi Button 671
1895 Michael Emanuel 672
1896 Edward Gayton 673
1897 George John Tilling 674
1898 George Alfred Ernest Hussey 675
1899 George Alfred Ernest Hussey 676
1900 George Alfred Ernest Hussey 677
1901 Frederick A. Dunsford 678
1902 Henry Ingalton Sanders 679
1903 Edward Tome Wise 680
1904 Edward Bance 681
1905 Henry Cawte 682
1906 Richard Andrews 683
1907 Charles James Sharp 684
1908 Richard Garrett Oakley 685
1909 Charles James Sharp 686
1910 Edward Bance 687
1911 Henry Bowyer 688
1912 Henry Bowyer 689
1913 William Bagshaw 690
1914 William Bagshaw 691
1915 Walter James Dacombe 692
1916 Frederick John Smith 693
1917 Arthur William Pearce 694
1918 Sidney Guy Kimber 695
1919 Sidney Guy Kimber 696
1920 Herbert Blatch 697
1921 Frederick Bath (Died 27 January 1955) 698
1922 Walter Mouland 699
1923 Walter Mouland 700
1924 Thomas McDonnell 701
1925 Joseph Emanuel Silverman 702
1926 Percy Vincent Bowyer 703
1927 Lucia Marion Welch (First woman mayor) 704
1928 Maurice Henry Pugh 705
1929 Hector Young 706
1930 Edward Woodward Cross 707
1931 Fred Woolley 708
1932 Fred Woolley 709
1933 William Dalton Buck 710
1934 George Albert Waller 711
1935 Thomas Henry Sanders 712
1936 Harry Chick 713
1937 George Edward H. Prince 714
1938 Arthur Henry Powdrill 715
1939 Robert Nathan Sinclair 716
1940 William Lewis 717
1941 Thomas Albert Ponsford 718
1942 Bertie Arthur Corry 719
1943 Reginald James Stranger 720
1944 Job Charles Dyas 721
1945 Harry Vincent (Died 30 April 1946) 722
1946 Reginald James Stranger 723
1946 Frederick Stewart Smith 724
1947 Frank Dibben  (Mayors from this time appointed in May not November, Dibben
served an 18-month term)
1949 Percival Walter Blanchard 726
1950 Geoffrey Harold Barendt 727
1951 Minnie Cutler 728
1952 Edwin Burrow 729
1953 Victoria Florence King 730
1954 Ralph Eric Edmunds (Died February 1955) 731
1955 Richmond Rudolph Hawkins Hammond 732
1955 Mary O'Higgins 733
1956 Kitty Elizabeth Cawte 734
1957 George Thomas Dicks 735
1958 Richmond Rudolph Hawkins Hammond 736
1959 Rosina Marie Stonehouse 737
1960 Walter Greenaway 738
1961 Gladys Emily Alice Barker 739
1962 Edward Kitchener Lyons 740
1963 Ronald Fairfax Pugh 741
1964 Elsie Elizabeth Willcock 742
1965 Reginald Charles Haskell 743
1966 Stanley Marwood Gregory Mitchell 744
1967 George William Husband 745
1968 Hubert Lewis Davies 746
1969 Hilda Kathleen Johnson 747
1970 Lydia Annie Ironside 748
1971 John Barr 749
1972 Robert Joseph McGuirke 750
1973 Michael William Frederick Pettet 751
1974 Lewis Frederick Goater 752
1975 Elinor Ida Pugh 753
1976 Mary Key 754
1977 Joyce Evelyn Alice Pitter 755
1978 John Allan Minto 756
1979 Leslie Frank Aldred 757
1980 Patrick Allan 758
1981 Bramwell John Deacon 759
1982 Barbara Jane Barfoot 760
1983 Dorothy Brown 761
1984 Irene Frances Candy 762
1985 Geoffrey Malcolm Ranger 763
1986 Jack Vernon Candy 764
1987 Ivy Theresa White 765
1988 Maria Patricia Bear 766
1989 Norman Alexander Best 767
1990 Mary Key 768
1991 Brian Edward Welch 769
1992 Nora Goss 770
1993 John Roland-Hunn Martin 771
1994 Edward Victor Read 772
1995 Margaret Josephine Singerman 773
1996 Dorian Attwood 774
1997 Kenneth Street 775
1998 Michael John Andrews (died in office) 776
1999 Derek Burke 777
2000 Peter Wakeford 778
2001 Christine Kelly 779
2002 Brian Parnell 780
2003 Parvin Damani 781
2004 Dennis Harryman 782
2005 Edwina Cooke 783
2006 John Slade 784
2007 Stephen Barnes-Andrews 785
2008 Brian Parnell 786
2009 Elizabeth Mizon 787
2010 Carol Cunio 788
2011 Terry Matthews 789
2012 Derek Burke 790
2013 Ivan White 791
2014 Sue Blatchford 792
2015 Linda Norris 793
2016 Cathie McEwing 794
2017 Les Harris 795
2018 Stephen Barnes-Andrews 796
2019 Peter Baillie 797
2020 Sue Blatchford 798
2021 Alex Houghton 799
2022 Jacqui Rayment 800
2023 Valerie Laurent 801
2024 David Shields 802

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