What we do - Southampton Day Services
Here are some of our recent activities
World Down Syndrome Day
We celebrate on 21 March to mirror the 21st chromosome which leads to Down Syndrome, and we wear socks because they resemble the shape of chromosomes. They are colourful and mismatched to get the conversation started, so when people ask you, you can generate awareness. We had a visit from Southampton Ukulele Jam to help us to celebrate.
Ipswich badminton competition
A long journey due to traffic but excitement levels were high for the overnight stay in a hotel, plus the competition the next day. They all played really well. Special mention to Callum who did really well for his first competition!
Lindsay's last day at Superdrug
After more than 20 years of service at the Bitterne branch of Superdrug, Lindsay receives her leaving presents from her manager. A very proud achievement. Well done Lindsey.
Richard the brave
Richard has finally overcome his struggle with anxiety to be able to have the surgery he has attempted for many years now. With support from Paul and the Learning Disabilities Team he was able to completely turn this into a positive, telling everyone when he would finally be rid of the lump on his face. Well done Richard, we are so proud!
Eco team project
Before Christmas we were working with the 'Feed The Community Project' at Chamberlayne Leisure Centre to collect food and deliver it to their food bank. As part of this project we have also been supporting a group to go litter picking out in the community.
"I liked litter picking around Woolston and felt good, it was a good thing to do" - Megan
Southampton City Council's Christmas Toy Appeal 2023
We had a fantastic time contributing to The Christmas Toy Appeal run by SCC. It was a lovely to be able to spread some festive cheer to Southampton's vulnerable children and young people. We picked gifts for different individuals and helped to wrap them.
"It was my first year doing the toy appeal. I loved helping and would like to come back next year" - Callum
2023 Employee Awards season one winner
Hayley was nominated for employee of the year due to her going above and beyond her role. Hayley became the family support for a service user during the pandemic. She not only supported the individual but the whole family ensuring that they had food and medication. She also arranged getting their garden lift fixed to gain access to their garden. All of this Hayley did without hesitation.
"I was so happy when I found out I had been nominated but when I was told I had won I was overwhelmed" – Hayley
Southampton Art Gallery exhibit
All of the art and craft work that you see has been created by our service users. They relished the opportunity to be able to express themselves again through their art. We experimented with a range of mediums including traditional materials such as oil and acrylic to papier-mâché and textiles.
We would like to thank The City Art Gallery, especially Jessica Whitfield and Liza Morgan, for hosting our exhibition. We very much appreciate their support and the art and craft workshops they also facilitate for us each year.
All are welcome to visit the Gallery. Pop along for a visit and see our work. The exhibit is on display from now until Saturday 16th September.
Andrew from The SoCo Music Project has been delivering these sessions. He has done a great job of getting to know our services users, by encouraging them to let off some steam. Everyone has been working with rhythm and following the beat with an instrument of their choice, as well as other games and activities.
Easter hat parade
We took inspiration from the New York Easter Parade and decided to hold an Easter hat competition. Everyone had the chance to look at all the fabulous creations and pick a winner for each category. The winners were picked using a secret ballot. Check out Issue 19 of our newsletter to see the winners.
VoiceAbility survey
In March we had Busy People come to visit and support us to get involved in the Learning Disability Survey. This survey was co-produced with Southampton City Council. It covered many topics: independent living, health, community. Busy People meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month at The Scholars Arms at 4pm. |
Her Royal Majesty the Queen
A group went to the civic centre to pay their respects to HRH Queen Elizabeth II. We laid some flowers at the front of the civic centre. We all laid yellow and white flowers because those were The Queens favourite colours of flowers.
ICON football sessions
ICON Sports Coaching's football sessions are held every Thursday evening from 6.00 - 7.30pm. These are held at Great Oaks School and are open to everyone. Even if you don't fancy playing, come along for the social engagement and join in with our community.
Promoting independence
We are so proud of Sam, as he has been building his independence around his medication.
Sam comes to us in the office when his tablets are due, takes them out himself and signs his own daily record. Sam also keeps a running check on stock and knows when he needs to bring in more from home. Carole presented Sam with a certificate for his achievement.
UPDATE: Sam has become fully independent.