60+ Floating Support Service

The service aims to help you manage and develop the skills you need to live independently in your home. We work with you to identify your needs and to find ways to achieving your goals. It is a free and flexible service provided by Southampton City Council and funded through the Better Care Fund.

How it works?

You can be referred to the service by someone you know, such as a doctor, social worker or a family member, or you may contact us yourself.

You will be contacted by a housing support worker via a telephone call to discuss your support needs and this may be followed up with a visit to your home. If visited, the housing support worker will agree an action plan with you to achieve your goals.

How long you receive support for will entirely depend on your own individual needs and you will make the decision together with your support worker.

We can work with you regardless of what kind of accommodation you live in. The service is available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

What support is available?

Advice and support can be given on almost any issue by our friendly, trained, professional support staff. If your support worker is unable to help, they will put you in touch with a person or agency that can help, this might incur a charge.

The kind of things that we can help with are:

  • Problems with your housing
  • Completing forms
  • Managing debt and improving budgeting skills
  • Help with developing your daily living skills or support in an emergency
  • Accessing other services e.g. social services, benefit agencies or GPs
  • Putting you in touch with leisure and learning opportunities to have fun, focus on social interests and companionship
  • Advice on healthy living
  • Access to the community alarm systems such as Careline

How to make a referral

You will need to complete the online form:


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself a couple of minutes to fill in the form.

Make a 60+ floating support service referral

You can also contact the 60+ Floating Support Service by phone on 023 8091 5154, or by emailing us.