Reviews and learning

Safeguarding adult reviews

A safeguarding adult review is a statutory review set out in The Care Act 2014 Section 44.

Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) provide a chance to learn lessons and improve practice. This occurs when abuse or neglect is suspected to be a factor in the death or serious harm of an adult with care and support needs.  Understanding not only what happened but why it happened can help improve the response of organisations and agencies working with adults in the future.

The Southampton Safeguarding Adults Board must arrange a review of any case involving an adult, in it's area, with care and support needs. This is regardless of whether or not those needs are met by the local authority if:

  • The adult has died, and the SAB knows or suspects that the death resulted from abuse or neglect (whether or not it knew about or suspected the abuse or neglect before the adult died) OR
  • The adult is still alive, and the SAB knows or suspects that the adult has experienced serious abuse or neglect

2024 - 'Lily' Safeguarding Adult Review

2024 - 'Anna' Safeguarding Adult Review

2024 - 'Gianbir' Safeguarding Adult Review

2023 - 'Robert' Safeguarding Adult Review

Please note: reviews are published on the website for one year from their publication date. If you would like to access older reviews please contact the Safeguarding Partnership at