
Pricing for Southampton maintained settings

For maintained settings the daily rate for an Educational Psychologist is £635 with a sliding scale available for larger purchases. Whole day training is charged at £945 and includes the cost of preparation, basic handouts, administration and travel. The minimum purchase for Educational Psychology Services is half a day.

Time No of days Day charge Charge to school
0.6 114 485 55,290
0.4 76 505 38,380
0.2 38 525 19,950
0.1 19 545 10,355

SLA day rate: £635-£945

Pricing for academies and colleges

For academies and colleges the daily rate for an Educational Psychologist is £660 with a sliding scale available for larger purchases. Whole day training is charged at £980 and includes the cost of preparation, basic handouts, administration and travel.  The minimum purchase for Educational Psychology Services is half a day.

Time No of days Day charge Charge to school
0.6 114 515 58,710
0.4 76 535 40,660
0.2 38 555 21,090
0.1 19 575 10,925

SLA day rate: £660-£980