Last updated: 01-12-2023. From web page: School Library Service.

Service Level Agreement 2024-2025 – Southampton Maintained Schools – Library Services – Secondary Maintained Schools



The services specified are provided under the terms of and at the prices detailed in the Response Sheet.

Southampton Schools Library Service provides a range of services for all special schools subscribing to the service including:

  • Loan facilities
  • Advisory services
  • Practical work with schools to improve their libraries – we can offer a ‘refresh’ of school’s library by offering a total or partial update of book stock and work with schools to ensure quality, and relevance of books including school’s own book stock.
  • An annual report of services provided to each school
  • Reader development support, guidance may be given for Book Weeks and Author events
  • Online Bookshop with negotiated discount via our book suppliers
  • A regular newsletter

Service options

Loan facilities (Core)

A comprehensive range of professionally selected books and material is provided to enhance the learning resources of the school and promote reading for pleasure in school. 

A commitment to provide appropriate books that are reflective of diversity and inclusion in school.

eBooks and materials can be accessed from the School Library Service digital library platform provided by ePlatform.

Secondary Schools are loaned two books per pupil. A minimum of 350 books is provided to all schools regardless of size. The allocations are based on the October PLASC returns

Each school is entitled to unlimited books exchanges to update their stock. Exchanges can take place by appointment at the School Library Service Centre. Materials can be collected or delivered to the school by prior arrangement with the School Library Service Centre.

We can purchase and provide schools with class sets of books for teaching purposes (at the discretion of the SLS and based on individual requests).

Reading sets are available to support Guided Reading and Book Groups within school, additionally we will purchase on request (at SLS discretion).

We can provide a bespoke stock selection and delivery service for school - we can act as ‘personal shoppers’ if required by school.

Large format books are stocked for whole class teaching.

We can support Accelerated Reader (AR) by providing shelf ready stock with AR stickers. All schools can access the SLS online catalogue via a school personal account.

Reservations can be made via the catalogue or by email request direct from teaching staff.

Materials can be collected from the School Library Service Centre (based at the Civic Centre) or delivered by prior arrangement.

We provide an enquiry/request service by phone or email to all schools during term-time.

Braille picture books are available to loan for use within the school.

We have large print material and can purchase on request.

A comprehensive EAL language collection is available.


Loan facilities (optional)

Extra paperback books, above the SLA allocation, can be arranged at a cost of £3.50 per item.

Advisory services – (Core)

The School Library Service provides an advisory service on all matters concerning library and book related matters. These services include (subject to availability).

  • Ofsted support (pre and post)
  • Curriculum support
  • Support for resource selection
  • Support for stock maintenance
  • Advice on library development and library policy
  • Library layout and design
  • Advice and practical work concerning the relocation of the school library
  • Library Management systems
  • Book promotion to staff and pupils
  • Current trends in publishing

Advisory services – (Optional)

  • Input and advice at Parents’ Evenings and Open Days. This will be charged at £55 per hour
  • Author and Storyteller visits by arrangement. This would involve individual costs charged separately
  • Participation in reader development activities including shadowing local and national book awards

ICT support

The SLS will support the use of library management systems and can offer advice on purchasing.

Training and development

We can offer bespoke sessions to teaching staff dependent on school requirements and through mutual agreement with SLS librarians.

Schools which do not subscribe to the service

There would be no buy back arrangements. Schools would not receive the services provided by the Schools Library Service including book stock, existing stock would be returned to the SLS. Should there be a difference in the actual number of items returned to the SLS and the amount of stock on loan to the school, a replacement charge of £8 per item will be made for any losses over 5% of the total stock on loan to the school. Training courses would be offered with a specific rate for non-subscribers.

Schools which convert to Academy status during the period covered by this SLA

Any school which wishes to buy back from the Council’s School Library Service but then subsequently converts to Academy status during the financial year will receive a refund on a pro-rata basis from the date of conversion. The Service is still available to academies and will be re-charged from the date of conversion.

Schools which merge during the period covered by this SLA

Where a school buys back from the council’s School Library Service but then subsequently merges with another school during the financial year and one library remains instead of two, a pro-rata refund will be paid to the school with the closing library. If the merger does not lead to the closure or reduction in the number of libraries the funding basis will be unchanged. If this proposal causes concerns, please contact the School Library Service to discuss the matter.

Force Majeure

There may be events where certain circumstances may arise which are beyond the control of the School Library Service which make performance inadvisable, commercially impracticable, illegal, or impossible. Elements of the provision detailed in the service level agreement may be temporarily suspended. Events might include acts of state or governmental action prohibiting or impeding any party from performing its respective obligations under the service level agreement. In such cases the School Library Service would inform subscribing schools and academies immediately of any issues affecting provision of services and seek to resume provision once practical and legally permitted.


Secondary School annual charge - £1,994.44 plus £4.28 per pupil.

Service contacts and performance review

Any queries, concerns or complaints about the overall operation of the scheme should be addressed to:

Siobhan McGarrigle
Reading, Young People and Area Manager
Direct line: 023 8083 2595